A little fun for Monday:
I have heard the term “Catholic Mafia” thrown about online, sometimes tongue-in-cheek, sometimes not. Nevertheless I thought it needed a logo.
A little fun for Monday:
I have heard the term “Catholic Mafia” thrown about online, sometimes tongue-in-cheek, sometimes not. Nevertheless I thought it needed a logo.
This is a logo design for Pax Ministerio (Minister or Servant of Peace.) We took the dove as a symbol of peace and developed the logo for the ministry that helps the deacons of the Diocese of Sacramento in their ministry and continuing education. We especially love to work with Christian churches and ministries. Contact us and let’s discuss how we can bring a unique identity to your apostolate.
“Stand Fast” © Lawrence Klimecki
We work in a variety of illustration styles to suit your needs. This was an illustration rendered in a classic style for a book on saints. Let us help you make you next illustration project an outstanding success.
The historical account of the death of Saints Perpetua and Felicity was written by Perpetua herself.
Perpetua was a young, well educated, noblewoman who made the decision to follow the example of her mother by becoming a Christian. Her father, a pagan, pleaded with her to change her mind but she would only answer him by saying “I cannot call myself by any other name than what I am, a Christian.”
Perpetua and Felicity were arrested, imprisoned and sentenced to die in the arena for the crime of being Christians. They suffered terribly. The prison was so crowded with people that the heat was suffocating. There was no light anywhere and Perpetua wrote that she had “never known such darkness.”
But Perpetua’s greatest suffering was being separated from her young baby. Felicity, a slave, was even worse off, she was eight months pregnant.
When Perpetua’s father came and pleaded with her to renounce her faith, she replied “we lie not in our own power, but in the power of God.”
Perpetua and Felicity, along with two others went to the arena in an air of joy and serenity. We are told that Perpetua encouraged the others and walked with “shining steps as the true wife of Christ, the darling of God.”
The two women were attacked and thrown about the arena by a rabid heifer. Finally they faced a gladiator and were killed by the sword in the arena at Carthage, in the Roman province of Africa, on March 7 in the Year A.D. 203.
Logo design for Caritas Senior Care, providing in home care for senior citizens. In addition to the logo we designed a graphic for t-shirts intended as an award to employees as well as a modified log for embroidery onto polo shirts.
Logo design for a local Catholic Chamber of Commerce. The client wanted to avoid the ubiquitous cross used in logos for religious based organizations so we opted instead to draw upon other symbols, in this case the Triquetra.
There is a surprisingly number of “Griffin Heat & Air” companies and they all take a more or less similar approach to their logo and branding. My client wanted something that would stand out from the others and be “cool.”
© Lawrence Klimecki
© Lawrence Klimecki
Logo/wordmark for Advanced Care Technologies, a cognitive assessment service company.
I work in a variety of styles when it comes to illustration, This one is inspired by stained glass windows for the Solemnity of Epiphany or as it also known, Twelfth Night.
©Lawrence Klimecki
The 1683 Brewing Company takes its name from the year a coalition of kingdoms led by the Polish King Jan III Sobieski lifted the siege of Vienna. The city was besieged by the Ottoman Turks and the ensuing battle was won in large part by the charge of the Polish Winged Hussars.
The client wanted a logo that recalled the Polish eagle without being a direct copy of it. To launch their initial offering, “Hussar Porter,” I also designed the bottle label as well as the initial advertisement for its release, including the ad copy.
Client: 1683 Brewing Company
Art Director: Lawrence Klimecki
An Illustration from a project for LTP, Liturgical Training Publications, Anna Manhart, Art Director
Merry Christmas everyone!